Capturing Warkworth dreams

Warkworth residents are being encouraged to write down their aspirations for the town on a giant blackboard outside The Camera Shop in Queen Street.

The idea is to capture people’s thoughts on how to make the town a fun place to live, work and play, and feed that information into the Structure Plan, which Auckland Council is currently developing.

Planner Burnette O’Connor, who is behind the initiative, believes the more cohesive the community is in identifying what it wants, the better hearing it will get from Council.

She says the comments will be recorded daily, summarised and common threads identified. She hopes as many people as possible will take the opportunity to write down what they love about the town and/or what they would change.

“Do we need wider streets, more trees or less trees, or a more pedestrian friendly CBD?” she asks.

“Should the riverside be used as a carpark forever or could it be better utilised with outdoor and river-based activities, bean bags under shady trees, food trucks and so on?

“There are no right or wrong answers – we only want as many people as possible to participate.”

The event marks World Town Planning Day, which is celebrated annually on November 8, and the blackboard will be in place until around the end of November.

Burnette appreciated the support of builder Steve Haycock who donated the board, Colin Stables at The Camera Shop for donating the wall and Guthrie Bowron in Warkworth for the paint.