Childcare payment opposed

The Rodney Local Board has gone against the trend by not supporting the introduction of childcare allowances for elected members.

The allowance was included in a draft Elected Members Expense Policy, which governs how much elected representatives can claim for expenses such as travel, accommodation, professional development and hospitality. Most local boards in Auckland supported the proposal.

Rodney opposed the change on the basis that the elected members were paid an honorarium, not a salary, and elected members should meet their own childcare costs.

The Board noted that standing for local government was a community service, not a career path, and all elected members incurred hardship of one sort or another. The Board felt a better focus would be amending the current policies that negatively impact on elected members from rural areas, who travel greater distance but have a capped sum on the amount of mileage that they can claim annually.

The childcare allowance is a contribution towards expenses for the care of children under the age of 14 while the member is engaged on local authority business. The allowance is capped at $6000 a year and is subject to conditions.