Cool classics create summer spectacle

Photo, Catherine Reid.

Photo, Alistair Morrow.
Photo, Alistair Morrow.

Photo, Jo Thomas.
Photo, Jo Thomas.

It was hot rod heaven for car enthusiasts who visited the Mangawhai Domain on January 3 for the annual Black Swamp Rod Run.

The public was given the chance to view about 180 vehicles before they took to the road.

The run is organised by siblings Phil Lathrope and Sandra Brunt, who started it in 2007 with 13 cars. Cars this year came from around the North Island and included a Rolls Royce.

“We don’t have classes or prizes because it’s all about relaxing and having fun with other car enthusiasts,” Sandra says. After a run through to Waipu, the day finished back in Mangawhai at the Black Swamp olive grove where there was food and live music.

Sandra says it was great fun to see many of the roads along the run lined with people in bean bags, sitting under sun umbrellas, enjoying the spectacle. Just over $400 was raised from gold coin donations at the domain, which was donated to Otamatea High School. Paparoa Lions also raised money at the event by providing food.