Courageous kids celebrated

A group of young people who attend Riding for the Disabled (RDA) and show courage in the face of all their challenges were honoured recently by Whangaparaoa Lions Club.

It is the first time that Whangaparaoa Lions have given out the Children of Courage awards, which recognise achievement and show that society values the recipients’ contributions.

Eight awards were handed out on Sunday, March 4 at Stanmore Bay Community Hall. It could have been a lot more – RDA ambassador Melanie Kerr says they have 55 riders at the moment and all deserve an award.

Videos showing the courage and achievements of each recipient were played and Lions vice district governor Wendy Miller presented the awards.

The recipients of the certificates and plaques are: Ashling Collins, aged 10; Imogen Cranshaw, 15; Jack (10) and Reuben (12) Sloan; Katie Longmuir, 10; Tayla Marsters, 7; and Kayla Hyland who was not able to be at the awards. Eight-year-old Jamie Collins also received an award for being a great support to her sister Ashling.