Enthusiast to lead SeniorNet

Marilyn Goodwin says joining SeniorNet has led to a continuing learning process.

Warkworth technology enthusiast Marilyn Goodwin, 78, was elected chairperson of the national SeniorNet Federation last month.

The federation aims to teach computer and other technological skills to over 50s. It comprises 58 individual learning centres around the country and has about 7000 members.

Marilyn says she is passionate about SeniorNet, both locally and nationally.

“When I was asked to become chair I gave it some considerable thought before agreeing to do the job.

I decided I wanted to be part of the team that leads SeniorNet into the future,”
she says.

Marilyn has been the regional representative for the northern area of SeniorNet for the last two years and has helped compile resources based on notes from other SeniorNet tutors so they can be widely shared. She says one of the benefits of SeniorNet is that it is about seniors teaching seniors.

“We understand the problems other seniors experience because we experience them ourselves,” she says.

She adds that SeniorNet is also a means of social connection – allowing seniors, who may well live alone, to meet and chat with like-minded people about their technology issues and get help.

Marilyn started with SeniorNet about 10 years ago. She first went along to accompany her husband, who found he needed to know more about computers to continue his work as a mechanic.

“At the time I thought I knew it all. But I was only 15 minutes into a ‘getting started’ course and I suddenly realised I actually knew very little. It’s just been a learning process ever since,” she says.

Marilyn now specialises in teaching the Microsoft Office suite of programmes.
In addition to computers, members can also boost their skills in handling such things as smartphones, tablets, drones and digital cameras.    

Info: https://seniornetwarkworth.org.nz/