Introducing – Holistic Health Naturopathic Clinic

Inga von Benzon

Naturopath Inga von Benzon has longed to escape Auckland and the rat race for some time and is delighted to have arrived in Warkworth.

She says she is looking forward to enjoying more organic food, a healthier lifestyle and the mutual support that comes from living in a smaller community.

She also wants to contribute to community wellbeing through her Holistic Health Naturopathic Clinic.
Inga says when growing up in Germany her family’s GP was also a homeopath, and she developed an interest in the healing power of herbs early on.

That interest lay dormant for some years while Inga pursued other ventures, including setting up a restaurant in Whangarei.

When she tired of the hospitality business, she decided to become a naturopath and embarked on a rigorous three-year training programme, before qualifying in 2003.  

Inga also learned Bowtech® Bowen therapy, whereby a practitioner employs gentle rolling motions across the muscles, tendons and connecting tissues. The therapy relaxes the mind and body, enabling it to activate its own healing processes.  

In addition, Inga practices EAV electro-acupuncture whereby a small electric current is passed through the hands and feet. The resulting electrical signature is analysed to precisely identify stressors to a patient’s health such as the presence of toxins, bacteria, heavy metals, fungi and food sensitivities.

Inga can then prepare a  remedy that neutralises those stressors.  

Inga sees her work as complementary to doctors and other health professionals and says a typical consultation will last an hour or more – looking into a patient’s medical history, mental well-being, diet and exercise patterns to build a comprehensive picture of their overall health.

“The goal is to strengthen the body and mind so a person is not just crawling along, but they are bouncing along,” she says.