Rotarians growing young minds in the garden

From left, Brian Tuck, Louise Nicholson, Jon Nicholson and Joe Koppens.

Warkworth Rotarians have been busy building a 16-square-metre raised garden at Matakana School so that students can grow their own lunch.

A series of gardens surround  bench seats, where children can be instructed by teachers on garden care.

The students will take charge of the garden and prepare meals from the produce in the school kitchens.

It is hoped they will then take these skills home and create their own gardens.

Warkworth Rotary president Brian Tuck says the club is focussing on youth-oriented projects this year.

The Rotarians plan to build another garden at Snells Beach School. Warkworth ITM, Wyatts Landscaping and Treescape Warkworth have donated materials for the gardens.