Shane Jones splashes cash in Kaipara

Minister Shane Jones travelled around Northland during July making funding announcements from the Government’s $3 billion infrastructure fund.

Regional Economic Development Minister Shane Jones’ road trip around Kaipara last month will cost the government $9.25 million if it honours his promises after the election.

First on the roadshow was Matakohe, where Mr Jones announced $3 million for a makeover of the Kauri Museum.

The money will fund a new facility for educating young people about the significance of kauri in New Zealand history.

Mr Jones also announced that the Maungaturoto Community Charitable Trust will receive its most substantial top-up yet, with $1.75 million to go towards construction of a dementia unit.

The Trust had been seeking a $1.8m bank loan to supplement years of community fundraising to finish the unit.

Previously, the project was turned down twice for money from the Provincial Growth Fund.

Meanwhile, Paparoa Community Charitable Trust will receive $750,000 to complete a 10-unit retirement village.

Mr Jones rounded off his road trip at the Mangawhai Tavern, where he announced $600,000 to restore the historic Mangawhai wharf.

The Mangawhai Historic Wharf Trust will use the funding to rebuild a replica of the original 1880 wharf, plus a floating concrete pontoon accessed by a gangway.

Mr Jones also said Kaipara District Council (KDC) will receive $2.4 million toward the construction of an 8km off-road shared pathway, which will connect Mangawhai Heads with Mangawhai village.

Furthermore, KDC will receive $750,000 to build two footbridges in Kaiwaka across State Highway One.

However, Mr Jones’ press releases came with a disclaimer.

“All approvals are in principle and subject to contract negotiations. Investment values are also subject to change.”