Free dinner for farm folk

Farmers are being urged to kick off their gumboots and let their hair down for a while at a free dinner and quiz night being held near Wellsford next month.

The Northland Collaboration Group will be manning the barbecue and dishing out dessert at Port Albert Community Hall on Thursday, October 13 from 5.30pm onwards.

After a catch-up and dinner, a quiz will be held with prizes for the table with most correct answers, followed by dessert, coffee and more socialising.

A Beef + Lamb NZ spokesperson said it was important for rural people to get off the farm occasionally, mix with friends and neighbours, and let someone else do the cooking and cleaning up for a change.

“We need to look out for each other, that’s what strong resilient communities do. Bring your family, neighbours and farming team along for a fun night out,” she said.

All welcome – RSVP by emailing Hazel at