Rams host closing games

The Auckland Masters Rugby League season wrapped up with a final round hosted by Rodney Rams and played at the Whangateau Domain on September 3.

There were seven teams in the competition this year – the Rams, Northcote Tigers, Glenora Bears, Waitemata Seagulls, Glenfield Greyhounds, Hibiscus Coast Raiders and East Coast Bays Barracuda.

Tournament organiser Sonny Teio says the masters league is a non-competitive competition. It caters for players 35 years and older, with one of the oldest players on the field being in his 70s. Each half is 25 minutes long.

Injuries are minimised by putting players in different coloured shorts – full contact is allowed on players in white and black shorts (up to 49 years), with tighter controls over contact with players in red and gold coloured shorts.

“It’s been a great season,” Teio says. “It’s all about meeting new people, socialising and enjoying the game.”

Next year’s season will start after Easter and the Rams are always keen to recruit new players. No previous playing experience is necessary.

Info: 027 362 0415