Our Opinion – Sporting hubs

By the time you read this, the final whistle will have blown on the Rugby World Cup. It’s worth noting that this is the third World Cup to be held this year (remember Netball and Cricket?) and all three featured New Zealand and Australia in the final.

It’s an impressive tally for a small country and one reason for it is the strength of sport from community level upwards.

Youngsters start their involvement in team sports at school and in local clubs and some will go on to represent their region and their country. I therefore read the Sport Column in this issue with some dismay, as it suggests there is declining interest in some team sports, and club membership, due to cultural changes and new technology.

The Hibiscus Coast has a number of strong sports clubs in many codes including rugby, league, football, netball and athletics. Every time I visit these clubs I am impressed with the culture that grows up around local families getting to know each other through their children’s sporting involvement, and a shared passion for a particular game. Yes, involvement in clubs and team sports in general is a big commitment in a world where time for recreation, and money, can be short. However, the benefits for the community, the sport and ultimately even our national teams, that arise from healthy numbers at grassroots level cannot be overestimated.