Cost of golf course waste scheme forces KDC re-think

Council officers and elected members at a site inspection in Mangawhai in 2020.

Kaipara District Council (KDC) will take a second look at its proposal to use Mangawhai’s effluent to irrigate a golf course, following a consultant’s report suggesting the project would cost millions more than Council anticipated.

In its Long Term Plan 2021-2031, KDC budgeted $1.5 million for the construction of a tank and pipeline to transfer water from the Mangawhai wastewater plant to the Mangawhai Golf Club.

But according to engineering consultancy WSP, it would cost between $4.5 million and $6 million to realise Council’s ambitions to use the water for irrigation of the course.

Meanwhile, the report has identified a preferred location for the wastewater storage tank. The preferred location is the overflow car park, adjacent to the golf club and Mangawhai Bowls Club.

According the proposal, wastewater would be filtered through sand to remove human waste solids and treated with bleach to kill E. coli bacteria.

In order to meet Australasian health standards, irrigation would take place between 10pm and 2am to allow for a four hour “dry off” period before golfers started using the course from 6am.

Council says it is aware of the high level of public interest in the project and will continue to keep residents updated.