A purple day for Violet

Violet McKelvie recently celebrated her 103rd birthday.

One of the Coast’s oldest residents, Violet Kate Patricia Trixie McKelvie, aged 103, loves the colour purple and taking part in exercise sessions.

On September 1, she celebrated her birthday with the residents and staff at Pinehaven Cottage in Hatfields Beach, where she has lived for five years.

Facility manager, Jay Banks, says Violet is a sparkly, courageous person.

“She says she prefers to be a princess, rather than a queen,” Jay says.

Her memory is sharp and she participates in activities at Pinehaven Cottage, especially enjoying the music and movement sessions.

“She sits up the front with her best friend on van outings and smiles the whole time, “ Jay says. 

The theme for her 103rd birthday celebration was her favourite colour, purple.

“We had music, entertainment and high tea and she had all her facility family around her.”