Ozone apartments revived

Initial plans for the apartments to be built at 85–89 Brightside Road (behind Whangaparaoa New World) show that a more intensive and taller complex is envisaged there than was proposed by the previous developer, Rick Martin.

The initial design proposes the construction of three blocks, the tallest of which is six levels (with a maximum height of 19.8m) comprising 54 residential apartment units and parking at ground level. It may include a link to the nearby shops and pedestrian foot bridges to Ozone and Brightside Roads.

The proposal exceeds the maximum height permitted within the Business-Mixed Use zone by approximately 2.2m.
The 4012sqm site was bought by Centurion Management Services (director Colin Craig) a year ago. A company called Ozone Limited has been incorporated for this project.

The site was previously to be developed by Rick Martin, who abandoned his plans to build 40 apartments there (two blocks of around four storeys).

The site was given Special Housing Area status a year ago, which fast-tracks the resource consent process, limits notification and means a percentage of the apartments must qualify as “affordable housing”. The application seeks consent on a non-notified basis.

A traffic report by Young Technical Management submitted with Ozone Limited’s application says that traffic generated by the apartment complex can be readily accommodated by the existing and proposed road network. No mitigation works on the surrounding network are proposed.

The application is currently on hold as the developer considers design recommendations from Council’s urban design team.