Warkworth-Wellsford motorway heads to Environment Court

Warkworth resident Dianne Civil has lodged an appeal with the Environment Court against the NZ Transport Agency’s (NZTA) resource consent for the Warkworth to Wellsford motorway.

The appeal opposes the consent on the basis that it would allow NZTA to “intrude” upon riparian margins along the Mahurangi River, and disrupt land use of Ms Civil’s property.

“There is no mention [in the consent decision] of avoiding mature totara in the riparian margins of the river. This matter was raised in the hearing, but overlooked in the decision,” the appeal says.

In her initial submission, Ms Civil wrote that NZTA had omitted the left branch of the river from its maps altogether.

“The public has not been given fair and honest information regarding the effects on the Mahurangi River,” the submission says.

Ms Civil is also not satisfied that the consent requires the design to avoid increasing flood risk from only a one in 100 year event.

“There is no sound justification for the limitation of a 100 year event.”  

In Ms Civil’s submission to the resource consent hearing, she said a proposed interchange would pass directly through a truffle orchard that she had been working 15 years to establish.

“It is a small but established orchard which is about to enter its most productive years. It has just started to produce a small amount of truffle and has great potential,” she said.

In her appeal, Ms Civil argues the proposed interchange is larger than [Auckland’s] Spaghetti Junction.

“It is excessive in its design and affects a much greater area of land than is required,” the appeal says.

It is the second time Ms Civil has had to grapple with the NZTA. The Puhoi to Warkworth motorway also runs through her land.

Anyone who made a submission to the resource consent hearing has until May 11 to lodge a notice to be party to the Environment Court proceedings. A court date has not yet been set.