Viewpoint – Democracy denied

As a multi-generational resident of Rodney and an elected representative on the Rodney Local Board, I am personally gutted that our residents will once again suffer through a targeted rate for transport as voted by the Rodney First members of the local board. Rodney First did not have a mandate to allow egos to run roughshod over the wishes of the vast majority of residents who vehemently opposed this as detailed in the submission results, which were 44%-56% against.

Historical evidence of targeted rates being imposed on my constituents has been high on promise and way short on delivery, and this has come through loud and clear on the streets and via social media. I believe I have been placed in a very privileged position to represent my community and dutifully accept that my vote on matters that directly affect my community must only ever be an extension of my community’s wishes. Any vote that goes against this basic principle, regardless of any justification, must surely lean toward arrogance. The stacked Rodney First arrangement that we currently have on the local board has brought the democratic rights of many communities to its knees and is also evident within chaired governance positions on the board.  For example, I brought to the board a lifetime of living, breathing and constructing rural roads, along with thousands of historical documents and newspaper clippings detailing our local governance. One would have thought these qualifications would have put me in a great position to chair the roading committee, but under this current board structure I wasn’t even given the chance. Rodney First voting power relegates you to doing all the dog work to make way for egos who want to be seen in all the right places.

The fact is the Mayor and the governing body have maxed out the credit cards, folks, and members of the local board have foolishly voted to help them make the interest payments with a whole host of under-detailed promises. They are acting like a pack of little kids who want the trip to Disneyland but aren’t prepared to forego the new bike, so they just ask mum and dad to work harder.

The above evidence was also recognised by our Councillor Greg Sayers who, in the face of increasing pressure from Rodney First and Auckland Council, stuck to his moral guns, listened to his people, and asked for the targeted rate to be taken off the table. I have a great deal of respect for him as I likewise have for my colleagues Allison Roe and Brenda Steele who voted against the targeted rate.

I personally would like to see a return to strong, independent board members serving the democratic wishes of their communities next voting time around.

Colin Smith, Rodney Local Board

Viewpoint - Rodney Local Board