Ngati Manuhiri – Education/Te Kura

We’ve made great strides in reclaiming respect and acknowledgement for Māori knowledge, te reo me ōna tikanga Māori (Māori language and culture) and this is evident in the prevalence of kura Kaupapa, as well as increasing rates of reo Māori learners and speakers (from 6.1% 2018 to 7.9% in 2021*). Yet it is easy to forget it wasn’t that long ago that Māori were punished for speaking te reo Māori and were actively directed towards careers of manual and domestic labour. With this in mind, we must do all we can to support a strong future for our people by building a solid cultural foundation and strong economic position that provides unlimited opportunity for our children.

Hīkoia te kōrero (walking the talk) is where it matters, and we’re making sure our tamariki have a good chance for success by working towards our vision of establishing a kura Māori education and hauora Māori facility within the rohe. Our focus is on securing the future wellbeing of Ngāti Manuhiri uri (descendants) and ngā rangatira apōpō (future leaders). The foundation of this kura will be deeply rooted in Ngāti Manuhiritanga, te reo me ōna tikanga Māori, encompassing pūrākau (ancestral stories), tikanga ō ngā matua tūpuna (customs and traditions of ancestors), and ahurea taiao (environmental culture).

While literacy and numeracy skills are always the foundation of a good education, it is important to have a strong base in te reo Māori, too, in order to uphold our cultural values. Te Kura Māori Ō Ngāti Manuhiri will be a wharekura catering to students from Year 7 to 13. Ngāti Manuhiri Settlement Trust is committed to advancing kaupapa Māori education, fostering cultural pride, and ensuring the future sustainability of our kura.

We advocate for solutions that are by Māori, for Māori, where we can flourish while embracing our cultural identity, language and traditions. We know one kura won’t achieve all our goals. However, it is progress that counts, and this is a strong step in the right direction for the next generation.
Mauri tū, mauri ora

Stand together in life and wellness

*Source: Stats NZ

Chair, Ngāti Manuhiri Settlement Trust