Cuisine – Tomato Pasta Sauce

Despite the dryness, vegetable gardens in February are full of produce. If it’s more than you can eat, offer the excess to friends neighbours or charitable organisations such as Love Soup Hibiscus Coast. You can also preserve it. A glut of tomatoes can be easily turned into this sauce, which keeps for months in preserving jars or the freezer.

Tomato Pasta SauceIngredients:
4kg ripe tomatoes (any size or variety)
Handful of basil leaves
6 teaspoons minced garlic
or 8 cloves of garlic crushed
1 cup extra virgin olive oil
½ cup tomato paste
2 teaspoons sugar
2 teaspoons salt
Freshly ground black pepper

Chop tomatoes roughly. Place everything in a large pot and simmer for about an hour until thick. Stir occasionally. Blend with a stick blender or pass through a mouli.

To freeze the sauce, pour it into airtight containers or plastic bags, then pop into the freezer once cooled. To preserve the sauce in jars, reheat it until simmering then pour into hot sterilised jars. Fill the jars to the top and then pour a little boiling water over the top to make sure they are completely full. Put on seal, centre and screw down hard. Leave to stand for 24 hours, check for vacuum seal, then remove the ring. If any jars haven’t sealed, refrigerate and use within a week. The rest will keep for months in the cupboard.

Tip: Tomatoes shouldn’t be stored in the fridge – cold temperatures can damage them and they taste better at room temperature.

The Love Food Hate Waste column, which will run monthly in Hibiscus Matters, is provided by the Auckland-based Love Food Hate Waste team.

The Love Food Hate Waste campaign launched on June 1 last year and is being delivered by WasteMINZ in conjunction with 60 councils and community groups nationwide. It is expected to run here for three years and promotes the economic and environmental good sense of reducing our food waste.

It started in Great Britain in 2007 and is being run in Vancouver and Australia as well as NZ.

Every year Kiwi households send 122,547 tonnes of edible food to landfill and Love Food Hate Waste provides inspiration and tips aimed at reducing that figure. It’s about making the most of what we have, to save money as well as waste.