Andrew Steens

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  • Andrew Steens

Gardening – Succession planning

Succession is an important concept in life, as we move through the various stages from infancy to old age. Recently, Ang and I have been...

Gardening – Winter work out

At this time of year, some of the urgency has come off the list of tasks in the garden. Everything tends to slow down in...

Gardening – Growing resilience

These weeks of lockdown have been a boon for gardeners – loads of time to get into the garden and attend to all those jobs...

Gardening – Growing pains

This week I would like to talk about growth. No, not the sort of growth that one would normally assume I would be talking about,...

Gardening – Bugged by bugs

Well, if there was ever a year that I was grateful for my bore, it’s this one. With lawns, paddocks and even mature trees around...

Gardening – Investing in irrigation

It’s been a magnificent start to summer, with day after day of gloriously sunny weather. All indications point to continuing dry conditions and hill pastures...

Gardening – Creating compost

Compost making is one of the most important jobs you can do in gardening. Compost provides organic matter that supports beneficial soil organisms, which in...

Gardening – Under the weather

The recent brush with Cyclone Oma turned into a bit of a fizzer, which was fortunate as my niece’s wedding was timed for the day...

Gardening – My cup runneth over!

Every summer I struggle with an overabundance of fruit and veggies. Not a big problem you might think, after all too much is better than...

Gardening – Asian influences

As much as I welcome the arrival of spring, it is often a mixed blessing. The weather seesaws from one extreme to the other. Gardeners...