Chris Penk

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  • Chris Penk


Viewpoint – Showground meeting grounds

It is that time of year, folks – Waitangi Day and Auckland Anniversary weekend are over, and now the Warkworth A&P Lifestyle Show approaches. I’m...

Viewpoint – Honouring our history

I am excited and grateful to have remained as the local MP for this area, following the recent election. Thanks to everyone who took part,...

Viewpoint – Infrastructure investment underlined

I was very pleased to attend the opening of that new Puhoi to Warkworth stretch of motorway recently. It’s a safe and efficient way for...

Viewpoint – What a time to be alive

In the aftermath of massive flooding and storm events, I wish you a much better month of March than you probably had in February. In...

Viewpoint – Tackling youth offending

As I travel around my large electorate known as Kaipara ki Mahurangi, I’m regularly made aware of a rise in youth offending. As we’ve all...

Viewpoint – Labour shortages

Immigration is one of the topics that I am asked about most in my role as local MP, both in terms of constituents understanding policy...

Viewpoint – Volunteering a view

Where would we be without our communities’ volunteers? Lost, I’d say. It’s actually hard to imagine how we’d be getting on without the ordinary-yet-extraordinary Kiwis...

Viewpoint – Talking petitions and taking part

It’s easy to think about democracy as something that just happens every now and then, pretty much just during elections. And as we approach a...

Viewpoint – Keeping Kiwis moving

The issues most commonly raised with me in Warkworth and surrounding areas are road-related. I’ve written here before about the need to accelerate infrastructure investment...

Viewpoint – A big thank you

I know we say it every year, but it does still seem hard to believe that once again Christmas is nearly upon us. As 2021...