Eugene Sims

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  • Eugene Sims

Health – Family First Aid

If you have kids, it’s no surprise that you will have your share of thrills and spills, and unfortunately that often comes in the form...

Health – Finding balance

Some may say that taking unnecessary minerals is like throwing money down the toilet. There may be some validity to that, as excesses of minerals...

Health – Iodine – getting the balance right

Iodine has been described as one of the most misunderstood and feared of all the elements necessary for human health. My interest in iodine began...

Health – Homeopathic history and pandemics

Few may be aware that homeopathy was used extensively by doctors during pandemics in the past. I would imagine that most people would not realise...

Health – Sweet iodine

Iodine has been described as one of the most misunderstood and feared of all the elements necessary for human health. My interest in iodine began...

Health – No pain, no gain

My favourite ad to hate on TV advertises a pain relief medication, which I won’t name. But the catchphrase is ‘it’s my choice’ (which has...

Health – Diets, fads and New Year’s resolutions

I have never been one for New Year’s resolutions. Maybe I am too cynical, but it seems like a cheap promise made on the spur...

Health – Getting sun smart

I am sure glad to see the sun out and the weather warming up, but mindful of the caution needed in the sun. There are...

Health – Food allergy vs intolerance

With the growing awareness of people being gluten and dairy free, there seems to be much confusion around the issue of food allergies and intolerances....

Health – Treating lower back pain

Lower back pain can be debilitating and hugely restrictive to peoples’ quality of life, but there is a lot that people can do to reduce...