Mahurangi Matters, 27 May 2024 – Off the Record

Drive through

Wharehine staff did a great job of sharing their knowledge of trucks with Matakana School students recently. They stressed the need for children, in particular, to be careful when they see the big rigs on the road. However, we’re not quite sure everyone was quite getting the message. When it came to question time, one student popped her hand up and asked enthusiastically, “What do you have for lunch?”

Pushing boundaries

It feels like Rodney Local Board has been discussing the possibility of changing its subdivision boundaries as part of the latest electoral representation review for ever and a day. Members have discussed, debated and digressed over what may or may not be the best way to ensure the fairest way to represent rural communities during at least four recent workshops and monthly meetings. Six different options have been dissected and considered, in minute detail and at length. One option was supported one month and rejected the next, while at the May meeting, there was a desperate, if understandable, bid made to forget the whole thing and keep things as they are. However, after three close votes, a choice was finally made and the matter put to rest, much to the obvious relief of Kumeu member Geoff Upson, from whom the heartfelt plea was heard, “Please, can we never speak of this again?”