Health – Stretching your reality

By Eugene Sims

Does taking responsibility of your own health and saving money sound interesting to you? While this may be attractive to many, in the modern age of quick fixes and instant results, the reality of self care programmes can soon lose appeal. It seems that the more technological advances that are made, the more we tend to stray from common sense and simplicity. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy the benefits of having a phone that is also a computer. But I do see potential pitfalls as we rely more and more on technology, and less on common sense.

Unfortunately, this reliance on technology sneaks into healthcare. Of course we have some fantastic applications in health care to provide better diagnostics and treatment options, but we do need to remember the risks of putting all our faith on technology. Also the more ‘simple’ treatments can seem too ‘simple’ and, therefore, be assumed as ineffective. The very simple act of stretching muscles certainly falls into this category and I know not only from 20 years of clinical experience, but also from my own personal situation.

I had a chronic knee condition for seven years. Over this time, I had physiotherapy treatment, consulted with doctors and even had surgery for the problem. All to no avail. The problem got worse over these seven years until I stretched one muscle that was the underlying problem. The result of the stretching was that the problem fully resolved over a three-month timeframe.

However, I needed to continue the stretch for some time after the pain disappeared. If I didn’t, the problem would return. While the need to maintain the muscle was a bit tedious it was a useful learning curve for me. Furthermore, it helped ‘prove’ the fact that the stretching was responsible for the improvement and that it wasn’t just a coincidence that it improved at the same time I was stretching.

I vividly remember thinking (at the onset of stretching) that it all seemed a little far-fetched that a simple stretch could make any difference to such a long-standing condition. This scepticism almost stopped me from embarking on a stretching regime! In hindsight, I am very glad that I adopted the ‘I have nothing to lose by giving it a go’ attitude otherwise I could still have been suffering many years later.

While the theme here is the value of simplicity (specifically with respect to stretching) it also must be qualified by the understanding that accuracy of what is being performed is the critical factor. Had I performed any other stretch, it would have been useless. So don’t forget the simple things in life and in my opinion the success of any treatment regime is determined firstly by an accurate diagnosis! If you feel this is missing with your care, then maybe it is time for another opinion.

Health - Warkworth Natural Therapies