Viewpoint – Countering Covid

It is now over seven weeks since New Zealand entered lockdown and I am proud to say that together our efforts have resulted in very low numbers of new Covid-19 cases being reported each day.

A big thank you is owed to our frontline staff for working around the clock during these trying times and also to our community for so diligently adhering to the restrictions that came with Level 4 and Level 3 – I acknowledge this wasn’t easy and have heard from many of you about the pressures this has put on yourselves and your family.

Like many of you, for me lockdown meant working from home and keeping to my bubble, so the reduction in restrictions on activity and movement in Level 2 is a welcome change. It is great to see the reopening of many of our local businesses and schools, however it is important to remember that businesses are still facing economic shock and undergoing some significant changes. It’s important now more than ever that we get out there and support local.

National has released part of its National Recovery Agenda to support the economy and respond to the disruptive effects Covid-19 has caused in communities. Earlier this month, we outlined five core elements of our agenda: getting out of lockdown by getting New Zealand working again, delivering an effective stimulus to a stalled economy by creating an upward curve of growth and jobs, creating productivity in a two-metre world, unleashing private sector investment, and investing in things that will guarantee New Zealand will succeed in the post-Covid world.

Through the Epidemic Response Committee, I have been ensuring that the Government is making the right decisions and investing where it is most needed to get us through this challenge. My wonderful team has been working hard throughout the lockdown supporting those who have reached out to us.

Finally, earlier this month we welcomed the news that Auckland Transport (AT) has given the go-ahead for Matakana link road (MLR) to be built with a four lane capacity.  There has been widespread concerns around the delays in plan developments and construction, and MLR consultations have seen large public engagement. So, it is fantastic that the preparatory works started last week and that AT is planning to have the link road completed in time for the opening of the new Puhoi to Warkworth motorway.

Mark Mitchell, National MP for Rodney