Youth Voice – Generations working together

Boomers are given a hard time for not having a good handle on tech, Millenials are criticised for their skinny jeans, and Gen Z for scrolling their life away on TikTok.

We live in a world where generations are boxed into categories defined by key characteristics. It can be humorous to pinpoint the differences, but it can also be incredibly divisive.

This intergenerational tension is created from worldviews based on lived experiences growing up in different eras of history. 

However, what would happen if we engaged in more positive and constructive intergenerational dialogue? The young and the old, the Boomers (born from 1946-1964) and Gen Z (1996-2010) can learn a lot from each other. Let’s grab a metaphorical cuppa, and glean the lessons from the present and past. 

Gen Z is known for their passion and desire to live with purpose. They want to do work that matters and are known for not remaining stagnant in one place. Careers are not linear. This can come with its pros and cons, but overall, I think this shows an open mindedness, sense of authenticity, adaptability and strength in taking risks. They won’t settle for the status quo and want to make a difference in the world. The lesson for other generations is to live a life of intention and not be afraid of changing careers.

For Boomers, growing up in a cash-based society, there was not the temptation of excessive credit card spending and Afterpay. How can Gen Z and others take a note from the Boomers book and learn to live more within their means? Perhaps the lesson is to live more simply and frugally; emphasising the importance of fiscal responsibility.

In a world of instant gratification, Gen Zers can tend to be impatient with long term goals and daily tasks. Boomers grew up in an era without instant messaging or next-day delivery. They learned to wait and understand that the best things in life often need time to develop. Patience nurtures resilience and waiting; lessons that can feel somewhat foreign in our fast-paced, digital society. At the same time, Gen Zers are exemplary for their empathy, social consciousness and care for mental wellbeing. These digital natives have grown up seeing the world through people sharing on social media, leading to a deeper understanding of the everyday issues people face.

There is a lot that we can learn from each other, which starts with developing a culture of respect, and not discarding the relevancy of another. It is also not all black and white. For example, not all of Generation Z spend like crazy, and some Boomers are rocking Instagram (shout out to you Grandma)! 

However, it should be said that there are unique challenges and opportunities for every era, which involve embracing the wisdom of the past, alongside the fresh perspective and innovation of the present.