Murray Chapman

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  • Murray Chapman

One Mahurangi – Unsung heroes

A week ago, New Zealand hosted Super Shot Saturday – a national event designed to encourage more people to get vaccinated, and it worked, with...

One Mahurangi – Busting the lockdown blues

As I write this sitting at home during a Covid lockdown, nearly everything I read seems to reinforce how down people can get during this...

One Mahurangi – Urgent questions for Warkworth

The new Puhoi to Warkworth motorway will be finished next year – has your business given any thought to the effect this might have on...

One Mahurangi – Is your business festival ready?

With the Mahurangi Winter Festival of Lights (July 10-25) and the 51st Kowhai Festival (October 16-30) approaching, the question for savvy businesses is this: Are...

One Mahurangi – Taking a stand against bullying

It was gratifying to see so many people wearing pink to take a public stand against bullying recently, and it made me think how far...

One Mahurangi – Strange times

These have been times that no one in a business or a personal sense, could have planned for, and I know from talking to friends...

One Mahurangi – Starting a business in Mahurangi

Let’s face it, starting or relocating a business can be daunting. Getting premises and equipment sorted, organising staff and getting to know the area all...

One Warkworth – Easy way to buy local

At least once a day, there are posts on local community Facebook groups seeking recommendations for places to buy things and for service providers –...

One Warkworth – Better together

Savvy business owners know that the success and value of a business is about more than just sales, suppliers and profitability. Other less measurable factors,...

One Warkworth – Teenage angst

I often hear people say “I wish Warkworth was like it was 30 years ago” and, having been raised in a small rural town, I...