Mahurangi Matters, 26 September 2022 – Off the Record

Not the Enterprise

Media were advised earlier this month that they would be given the opportunity to interview those associated with Air New Zealand’s inaugural flight to New York on September 17. We were very tempted when we saw that the line-up would include the pilot, Captain Kirk. But alas, it wasn’t James, but Philip.

Election shenanigans

Over the last wee while, this paper has been receiving letters to the editor under different pseudonyms with false addresses. Interestingly, the letters are always praising one particular candidate in the current election, while bagging their opponents. If the person responsible for these letters reads this, then we kindly request that you refrain from submitting any more of these false letters or we may be forced to print them in bulk, which will make it very obvious to readers who the true author is.