Nutrition – Time to value nutrition

I watched a fascinating Ted Talk video recently about the importance of sleep.
The presenter’s conclusion was that the biggest problem is not people’s lack of sleep, but simply that they don’t value sleep enough. The conclusion was if people valued sleep and made it a priority, positive action would stem from there.

The same question can be asked about nutrition and what we are choosing to eat. As a society, do we value the importance of good nutrition and the food choices we are making each day?

One thing that has become abundantly clear in 2020 is the importance of health and immunity. Nutrition plays such a key role in health. After all, you are eating 3-5 times per day; 21-35 times per week. The choices you make have a big impact on how you look, how you feel and the strength of your immune system. 

As a nutritionist, I value the power of food because in the past 10 years I’ve seen the health improvements that can come when people change how they eat.

My clients have been able to improve inflammatory skin conditions, reduce levels of cholesterol and inflammation and come off blood pressure medication. I have worked with type one and type two diabetics who have been able to drastically reduce their levels of medication.

People tell me that when they make better food choices they feel less bloated, have much more energy and feel so much more positive about life.

What is a good food choice? Real food. Eat as much fresh food as you possibly can, instead of packaged and processed food. Meals should be balanced, with portions of protein, healthy fat and carbohydrate included in every meal. 

Of equal importance is how you eat. For optimal digestion, leave at least four hours between meals, so your body can fully process the meal and have the chance to rest and cleanse before the digestion process starts again. If you are trying to lose weight, allow yourself to get a little hungry between meals and avoid snacks. Don’t eat too quickly and try not to eat dinner too late. Ideally you should leave at least three hours between eating your last meal and going to bed. These simple tips will add up to make a big difference. All great results come from consistent action.

The great thing about a New Year is that it brings the opportunity for a fresh start.  Forget what you did yesterday, last month or during lockdown. All that matters is what you do today. You can’t change yesterday, but you can focus on making great food choices today, so you wake up feeling better tomorrow and start your path towards improved health and vitality.